Hello, bonjour, ni hao, aloha everyone! It sure has been a while (7 months to be exact) since my last post. Don't worry, I haven't reduced myself to subsiding on scraps and other generally foodie non-approved grub. I have been continuing to satisfy my palate in each and every way...I just haven't made the time to document it ☹
I recently made a trip to the land of Hollywood, In'and'Out burgers and all things amongst the glitz and glam. I have been to Los Angeles numerous times but have only recently been able to venture out of the suburbs to scope out the culinary side of L.A. With my ever-so-necessary food spreadsheet in one hand and some much-needed dining companions in the other...I was off to the City of Angels!
In chronological order, here are the culinary highlights of the trip (CLICK on each collage to ENLARGE):
Baco Mercat: beef tongue flatbread sandwiches, veal sweetbreads
Factory Tea Bar: condensed milk brick toast
Soot Bull Jeep: korean bbq (best shortribs and squid ever!!)
Urth Caffe (typo!☹): bavarian fruit tart and banana cream pie...sinfully delicious
Savoy Kitchen: curry beef brisket on rice, hainanese chicken...happiness on 2 plates
Monterey Palace: abalone and the best roasted pig suckling ever...(for my Grandpa's 100th birthday no less!)
Mama Lu's: some crispy crispy wish-I-could-have-one-more-bite beef pancake roll...
Milk: mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwich, array of red velvet based goodies and a blue velvet cake (you heard me!)
Green Zone: organic hainanese chicken
Lobster Me (Vegas): the original "Maine" style lobster roll, lobster mac & cheese
Bacchanal Buffet: plate #1 :)
Earl of Sandwich: "Full Montague"
Porto's: still dreamin of those cheese rolls...
Disneyland: Dole Whip pineapple soft-serve ice cream and turkey leg
Nem Nuong Ninh Hoa: grilled pork salad rolls, bun bo hue (lemongrass noodles in spicy broth)
In-N-Out Burger: 2 words: animal style...
Euro Pane Bakery: i love open-faced egg salad sandwiches!
tacos from an illegal taco stand...best.tacos.ever
Boiling Crab: prawns in 'the whole shebang' sauce!
Bottega Louie: fancy macarons, tasty too!
Beijing Pie House: beijing style pan fried lamb pies
Yogurtland: cheesecake = best froyo topping
Seoul Sausage Company: korean corn bread, fried chicken, galbi poutine, rice ball, homemade sausages
Blockhead's Shavery Co.: black sesame shaved ice, condensed milk, oreo, rice balls...drool
Zelo: fresh corn, balsamic marinated red onions, smoked mozarella...on a cornmeal crust!!
Half and Half: the best 'boba' ever - so good I had 4 cups the whole trip - half pudding, half milk (and a whole lotta amazing!)
Welps, that just about wraps up my Cali gastro-adventures in a nut shell...(in 36 pictures no less). From korean to beijing cuisine, the culinary diversity that L.A has to offer is endless. Until next time...!

I recently made a trip to the land of Hollywood, In'and'Out burgers and all things amongst the glitz and glam. I have been to Los Angeles numerous times but have only recently been able to venture out of the suburbs to scope out the culinary side of L.A. With my ever-so-necessary food spreadsheet in one hand and some much-needed dining companions in the other...I was off to the City of Angels!
In chronological order, here are the culinary highlights of the trip (CLICK on each collage to ENLARGE):
Factory Tea Bar: condensed milk brick toast
Soot Bull Jeep: korean bbq (best shortribs and squid ever!!)
Urth Caffe (typo!☹): bavarian fruit tart and banana cream pie...sinfully delicious
Savoy Kitchen: curry beef brisket on rice, hainanese chicken...happiness on 2 plates
Monterey Palace: abalone and the best roasted pig suckling ever...(for my Grandpa's 100th birthday no less!)
Mama Lu's: some crispy crispy wish-I-could-have-one-more-bite beef pancake roll...
Milk: mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwich, array of red velvet based goodies and a blue velvet cake (you heard me!)
Green Zone: organic hainanese chicken
Lobster Me (Vegas): the original "Maine" style lobster roll, lobster mac & cheese
Bacchanal Buffet: plate #1 :)
Earl of Sandwich: "Full Montague"
Porto's: still dreamin of those cheese rolls...
Disneyland: Dole Whip pineapple soft-serve ice cream and turkey leg
Nem Nuong Ninh Hoa: grilled pork salad rolls, bun bo hue (lemongrass noodles in spicy broth)
In-N-Out Burger: 2 words: animal style...
Euro Pane Bakery: i love open-faced egg salad sandwiches!
tacos from an illegal taco stand...best.tacos.ever
Boiling Crab: prawns in 'the whole shebang' sauce!
Bottega Louie: fancy macarons, tasty too!
Beijing Pie House: beijing style pan fried lamb pies
Yogurtland: cheesecake = best froyo topping
Seoul Sausage Company: korean corn bread, fried chicken, galbi poutine, rice ball, homemade sausages
Blockhead's Shavery Co.: black sesame shaved ice, condensed milk, oreo, rice balls...drool
Zelo: fresh corn, balsamic marinated red onions, smoked mozarella...on a cornmeal crust!!
Half and Half: the best 'boba' ever - so good I had 4 cups the whole trip - half pudding, half milk (and a whole lotta amazing!)
Welps, that just about wraps up my Cali gastro-adventures in a nut shell...(in 36 pictures no less). From korean to beijing cuisine, the culinary diversity that L.A has to offer is endless. Until next time...!
1 comment:
Man, your food looked delicious! I should have ditched my sons and eat with you. Yum!!
xo Jo
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